Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dexter's Dark Passenger....And Ours, Too?

In addition to a beautifully written series with a cast of wow!-ing talented actors, Showtime's Dexter invites us to take a peek at the "dark passenger" living inside each of us. Reviews of the show during its early inception tauted this as one of its main attractions for viewers: they could identify their own shadowy components by witnessing Dexter's passenger come alive through gory ritual and an articulate personal narrative. But is this dark passenger a primal, innate being or has he been dropped into our experience?
As season one traces us back to Dexter's early childhood trauma, for example, it's easy to draw conclusions about where an urge to kill was first conceived. But what about the rest of us? Why should so many viewers have felt this strong identification with Dexter while clearly so few of us are acutally killers? Please drop your comments for a more thorough discussion. Perhaps we can sort through some important questions before the merciful beginning of Season 4 on September 27!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Woo hoo! I've been having such trouble figuring out why my comments wouldn't stick! If anyone else has that prob, try changing browsers and see if that helps.

    Ok, I love what you are doing here. I love the show although after watching the episodes a few times each have noticed that there are lots of indesrepancies and holes in the writing. (Especially that 3rd season) BUT.. I have decided that I'm going to ignore the holes and just enjoy it because it's interesting and makes me think, regardless. I like the idea of discussing all the great questions that the show sort of forces you to address. (Or for some of us, ponder!)

    I will be back when I can write more. My son needs a tubby. Good post

  3. Thanks for your comment, PF! I appreciate the whole idea of ignoring the holes/what might not work in favor of what does work, which is perhaps why I can allow myself such intrigue with a TV serial killer. Hope your son had a nice tubby the other day and that you're enjoying your new browser.

  4. Hey IDD,

    I'm back. Thanks for your suggestion about how to fix my tech probs. I think I finally got it... sort of!

    So, geez, I can go on and on and ON about all the great aspects of this show. One thing that did strike me while rewatching season 2 episode 3 is that while Dexter is in his office narrating his thoughts, he wonders whether he is actually thinking the thought, or if the dark passanger is thinking it/or has planted it. I have done this a LOT in my life. I was raised in a way that lead me to doubt myself at worst and question myself at best... so I often wonder who's voice is in my head. I also wonder who's voice comes out of my mouth when I'm really angry, because it doesn't feel like my idea of me.

    This is one small way I idetify with Dexter.

  5. Hi PF, that was well-described: that you were raised to doubt yourself at worst and question yourself at best, so of course the various voices can be difficult to sort through and/or trust. Like Dexter being brainwashed by Harry into believing his urges were innate and would only get worse, most of us come from environments that don't validate our true and full potentials. They can even send the message that our core pieces are off in some way, which I don't believe is true for a minute.

    Just the fact that you are aware of the discrepancy between how you behave when you're angry and your other idea of yourself, says your awareness is high.

    Here are some questions for you to consider, if you like. What DOES feel more like your idea of yourself? When you're angry, who do you sound like? A family member from the past, someone close to you? How would you like to sound instead, so that your expressed anger feels like more of a fit to the real you?

  6. Thanks for the questions.

    I have been working on this for a while, and there is no one clean answer. But I do know the main personality I'm "channeling" for lack of a better term. I am now working on not being so reactionary and vicious... verbally vicious when I am frustrated.

    I'm not sure what I am like when I am angry because I've integrated this behavior so early on. I'd like to think I'd be silent till I am ready to respond. Makes me giggle just to think of it! But I guess that's it.

    When will you post more on Dexter? I really like this first one.
