Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dexter's Dark Passenger....And Ours, Too?

In addition to a beautifully written series with a cast of wow!-ing talented actors, Showtime's Dexter invites us to take a peek at the "dark passenger" living inside each of us. Reviews of the show during its early inception tauted this as one of its main attractions for viewers: they could identify their own shadowy components by witnessing Dexter's passenger come alive through gory ritual and an articulate personal narrative. But is this dark passenger a primal, innate being or has he been dropped into our experience?
As season one traces us back to Dexter's early childhood trauma, for example, it's easy to draw conclusions about where an urge to kill was first conceived. But what about the rest of us? Why should so many viewers have felt this strong identification with Dexter while clearly so few of us are acutally killers? Please drop your comments for a more thorough discussion. Perhaps we can sort through some important questions before the merciful beginning of Season 4 on September 27!